Quick Hit: The ‘Try Before You Buy’ Approach


Many of your clients have urgent hiring needs — RIGHT NOW. However, if they move the hiring process along too fast, there is more room for mis-hires! For these situations, we recommend pitching the TRY BEFORE YOU BUY approach to presenting your temp/contractor.

Steps to the TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Pitch:

Create empathy. Show your client that you understand the pressure that they are under. Few companies can readily afford a “mis-hire.” Mis-hires are expensive, time-consuming decisions that can take months to unwind. Cost estimates for correcting mis-hires range vastly but are thought to be from 40% to 200% of annual salary!

Acknowledge interview process flaws. Interviewing do not always work as intended — especially when there is hiring urgency. The interviewing sequence is often lengthy, costly, and, in the end, may not yield the best candidate! Truth is, many people interview well, but often turn out to be mediocre employees. Conversely, many people who don’t interview well become amazing employees!

Offer the TRY BEFORE YOU BUY solution. Explain that contract positions are the single best way for a business to avoid an expensive mis-hire. Contracting a candidate allows a company the time needed to evaluate work performance — an on-the-job assessment. Plus, they can see if there is a cultural fit — also a critical factor to predicting a hire’s long-term success.

Be prepared to talk fees. Be ready to explain the Temp-To-Perm Fee structure. Have a Bill Rate and Pay Rate in mind that is commensurate with the full-time salary — and know how many hours/weeks of contract work it would take for you to earn what would have been your permanent fee for this position. Explain that the contractor could convert to full time WITH NO PLACEMENT FEE if they are contracted for, say seven months. You can also communicate that you might be able to charge a lower total fee (conversion fee plus temp margin) than your standard search fee.

Contact info@backofficestaffingsolutions.com with any questions. Your success is our success!